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Table of Contents

    High blood sugar levels (or high blood pressure) are a symptom of diabetes. High blood pressure threatens your health and is a typical early symptom of diabetes. When you eat sugar or foods with a high glycemic index, your blood sugar levels rise quickly.


    They peak within 45 minutes of ingestion. In normal people, blood sugar levels begin to gradually decrease and return to normal levels, usually within two hours. When you eat low-glycemic foods, your blood sugar rises and remains at normal levels for a long time before falling again.


    For people with diabetes, blood sugar levels are not easy to manage and cannot be lowered. These persistent high blood sugar levels place a tremendous burden on the body's organs and cells, and if the high blood sugar levels remain unresolved for a long period of time, permanent damage may occur to the internal organs.


    So most diabetic patients need to use insulin, and our body produces insulin in the pancreas. A normal body produces enough insulin to control blood sugar, but the pancreas of a diabetic patient cannot produce enough insulin, so the patient must supplement the body's insulin supply.


    Another way to manage and minimize your blood sugar levels is to eat foods with a low glycemic index. This will help stabilize the ups and downs of your body's blood sugar levels and keep you from going on a wild roller coaster ride.


    Therefore, most people with diabetes need to be careful about what they eat and drink. They avoid sugary drinks and foods rich in bad carbohydrates.






    Studies show that many people have high blood sugar levels but don't know about it. As their bodies become increasingly damaged, high blood sugar levels are a time bomb that may explode at any moment.


    Most diabetic patients are not aware of their condition and try to cure their diabetes without changing their eating habits. If you see some of these symptoms below, you may have high blood sugar levels.


    A simple blood test can confirm this, but you may not yet have diabetes, and changes in diet and exercise can be enough to treat and change your condition.



    1. fatigue, one of the early symptoms of diabetes


    Extreme fatigue can be an early symptom of diabetes due to high blood sugar levels. If you have too much glucose in your blood, you will feel tired. Blood high in sugar moves more slowly than blood with normal blood sugar levels.


    Blood circulation around the body slows down, and as this happens repeatedly, organs and cells are not getting the oxygen they need from the blood. This is what causes high blood sugar levels to cause long-term harm if left untreated.


    Fatigue caused by high blood sugar levels is also linked to inflammation. High blood sugar levels cause inflammation in blood vessels. Studies have shown that when blood vessels become inflamed, monocytes are released into the brain. Monocytes are immune cells and they are what causes fatigue.






    Low blood sugar levels can also cause fatigue; if there is not enough glucose in the blood, the body does not receive enough energy. This will lead to feelings of lethargy and exhaustion, and the fatigue caused by high blood sugar levels will be accompanied by dizziness and irritability.


    No matter how much you sleep, the fatigue won't go away. Fatigue affects your quality of life because you can no longer do the things you want to do. Sometimes, just getting out of bed and getting ready for work can make you feel exhausted, and other times, fatigue can occur due to poor sleep quality.


    Studies have shown that up to 31% of people with type 1 diabetes report poor sleep quality. For type 2 diabetes, this increases to 42%. The fatigue survey conducted on people with and without diabetes was interesting. Among diabetic patients, more people complained of fatigue than non-diabetic patients.





    2. loss of vision


    Diabetes that Blurs Eyes If you develop early symptoms, it may be because of high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels, which do not decrease, cause the lens of the eye to swell up. These changes in the lens affect your eyesight.


    Permanent swelling of the lens, if left untreated, can cause permanent damage and affect vision. Diabetic retinopathy is a peripheral circulation due to diabetes-induced hyperglycemia, and the most common are macular edema and proliferative retinopathy.


    Macular edema is caused by swelling of the macula due to leakage, which is located in the center of the retina. 20/20 The ability to distinguish between vision and color and see is very important.


    Because the macula is affected, it is affected by sharp central vision and color vision. You will have blurry and wavy vision, and the way you see colors will also change.






    Hyperplastic retinopathy is caused by a leak in blood vessels and fills the center of the eye with liquid. Your night vision will be affected, and spots or floats that interfere with your vision will occur.


    Blurry vision is also a representative symptom that indicates you have proliferative retinopathy. Another cause of blurred vision, which can be caused by high blood sugar levels, is glaucoma.


    The National Eye Research Institute announced that adults with diabetes are twice as likely to develop glaucoma as non-diabetic patients. Glaucoma is a condition that occurs when eye pressure causes damage to the optic nerve.


    In addition to blurred vision, glaucoma is characterized by tunnel vision, pain, red eyes, and a halo effect around light. High blood sugar levels can also result from the development of cataracts, and diabetes mellitus accelerates the development of cataracts.


    Cataracts cause blurred vision, fading color, and dual vision in the affected eyes, sensitivity to light.





    3.  A headache


    Headache is an early symptom of diabetes that is common among people with high blood sugar. Most are migraines and are not inherently severe, but can persist for several days.


    This is one of the early signs of diabetes that has problems with blood sugar levels. These symptoms are not just due to sugar, but also due to changes in sugar levels.


    If left untreated before the condition deteriorates, the headaches will only get worse, and rising sugar levels will affect the body's hormone levels.


    The hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine will fluctuate, which may potentially trigger the onset of headaches. Headache is a warning that blood sugar levels are not in the normal range, and the more fluctuations your blood sugar levels are, the more frequent they occur.


    Severe fluctuations can make your headache more intense. It may seem like the last thing you want to do, but you need to exercise. If you exercised and your headache eased, it is very likely that it was caused by blood sugar levels.






    Treatment, such as headaches caused by high blood sugar, usually includes over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen.


    Remember that not all headaches are caused by blood sugar levels, and other headache triggers, such as caffeine (coffee) and stress, should also be avoided. Other factors, such as lack of sleep, alcohol, poor posture, allergic reactions, and hormonal changes, can also cause headaches.


    If you experience headaches often, it's a good idea to see a doctor to determine their causes. It is recommended to get tested at a hospital in order to check your blood sugar levels and eliminate the exact cause.





    4. Polyuria; Frequent urination


    You may urinate more often than usual, but this is a common sign of high blood sugar levels. Because your body does not process sugar in your blood smoothly, it accumulates in your body and goes to your kidneys.


    Then your kidneys work under pressure to filter and absorb excess sugar. Your kidneys will most likely not keep up with its filtering speed, and the excess sugar will enter your urine.


    When you enter your urine, you will also receive other fluids, which will result in your bladder being filled with more fluids than usual, which causes you to go to more restrooms. The condition, due to high blood sugar levels, is called polyuria.


    For typical polyuria, you can urinate as much as 3 liters over 24 hours. The average adult urinates 1 to 2 liters over 24 hours. If you think you have polyuria, get your blood sugar level checked as soon as possible.


    There are other causes of polyuria, but it is often caused by elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes.






    If left in a high blood sugar level for a long time, it can lead to a diabetic coma and death. You should take the symptoms of polyuria seriously and concentrate on the treatment after looking at the exact cause because hyperglycemia is very dangerous.


    People who know they have diabetes and are taking insulin can also develop polyuria. Polyuria can be an indicator of kidney disease, liver failure, or Cushing's syndrome.


    In the case of chronic diarrhea, polyuria can occur even if you take a diuretic or drink a lot of coffee.





    5. Persistent thirst


    Excessive thirst can also cause polyuria, and it is also an indicator that your blood sugar levels may be too high. People experience polyuria because the water they drink must be discharged from their bodies.


    Frequent urination can lead to exhaustion, which makes you feel the need to continue drinking water. The more you go to the bathroom, the more water you will want to drink. At first glance, drinking a lot of water may sound like a good idea. We hear a lot that water is good for our bodies.


    Sometimes that's true, but drinking too much water can be a bad thing and drinking too much water can break your body's delicate chemical balance. If you drink a normal amount of water, it is discharged smoothly into your urine.


    But if you drink too much water, it dilutes the blood, which can lead to too little sodium in the blood and too much water inside and around your cells. This is called hyponatremia.






    Hyponatremia is accompanied by headaches, muscle cramps, nausea, fatigue, and seizures. If left untreated, hyponatremia can worsen and result in coma or death. Drinking too much water also dilutes the electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals in your body.


    As these things are released by your body together, you consume these nutrients often, thereby breaking your body's balance. Lack of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals can lead to many problems, which are related to the immune system and digestive process.


    If you always want to drink water and drink a lot more than usual, consult your doctor. It's like a warning sign that comes out because blood sugar levels are too high in your body.





    6. Polyphagia; increased appetite


    Hyponatremia is accompanied by headaches, muscle cramps, nausea, fatigue, and seizures. If left untreated, hyponatremia can worsen and result in coma or death.


    Drinking too much water also dilutes the electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals in your body. As these things are released by your body together, you consume these nutrients often, thereby breaking your body's balance.


    Lack of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals can lead to many problems, which are related to the immune system and digestive process. If you always want to drink water and drink a lot more than usual, consult your doctor.


    It's like a warning sign that comes out because blood sugar levels are too high in your body.






    There will be no glucose left in your cells to help produce energy, which will immediately make you feel hungry. Cells in your body will demand glucose and send a message to your brain to convince you that you are hungry.


    But no matter how much you eat, it won't help if your body can't absorb glucose. And if glucose isn't absorbed, cells still can't make energy. The best coping mechanism for this situation is exercise.


    Working out reduces the level of glucose in your blood. After all, it may be helpful to suppress your appetite and exercise (although it may not be the most you want at the moment).


    If you think you are polyphagic, it is very important to see a specialist to check your blood sugar levels.





    7. Symptoms of dry mouth


    Dry mouth symptoms are common signs of high blood sugar levels and diabetes. If you suspect your mouth may have diabetes due to dry mouth, seek medical advice. Lack of saliva in your mouth can cause dry mouth.


    Dry mouth indicates dry mouth accompanied by burning sensation in the oral cavity, discomfort in eating and speaking, and loss of taste, and the mucous membrane in the oral cavity becomes pale and feels distortion and stick.


    There are several causes of dry mouth, and these include dialysis from the kidneys, long breaths through the mouth, and dehydration. Dry mouth may also be the result of side effects of certain medications. Scientists are still studying why people get dry mouth.


    The definitive reason for certain conditions that come from dry mouth is not yet known. Effective treatment of dry mouth is only possible after the underlying conditions that cause dry mouth are revealed.






    If you have high blood sugar levels, lowering blood sugar through exercise and a better diet will alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, medication can also help ease the symptoms.


    The simple thing you can do to treat dry mouth is to avoid foods and drinks rich in caffeine, sugar, or sweeteners, and drink enough water. Floss and use a toothpick to remove plaque from your teeth after every meal.


    Keep your teeth clean by chewing fluoride toothpaste, gum, or sucking up mint that contains xylitol. These measures keep your teeth clean to prevent infection in your mouth and mouth or teeth.





    8. Hyperventilation syndrome


    Shortness of breath is associated with very high blood sugar levels, and it is a sign that they have already remained high for quite some time. If you don't treat high blood sugar levels, you can experience ketoacidosis, which is commonly known as a diabetic coma.


    This is caused by a lack of insulin in the body, which is an indicator that the pancreas is no longer producing insulin. An insulin shortage makes it impossible for your body to absorb glucose and convert it into energy.






    The body needs energy to function properly, and when it tries to absorb glucose to get energy, it starts burning fat. In the process of fat burning, a waste product called ketone is created, and ketone is harmful to the body.


    If there are too many ketones in the bloodstream, the body will try to release them through urine, but this is not enough. There are too many ketones in the blood, so they cannot be released out of the body, but they accumulate in our bodies.


    This leads to ketoacidosis, which is potentially fatal and needs immediate treatment. People with ketones are advised not to exercise. If you experience symptoms of ketoacidosis, which is having difficulty breathing, see a doctor.


    A blood sugar level can be checked to see if there are ketones in your blood, and if you exercise while you have a lot of ketones in your body, your blood will have a lot of ketones. Exercise can consume energy, but if the body cannot absorb glucose and relies on burning fat, keto levels increase, which can lead to keto acidosis.




    9. A decrease in concentration and memory


    Memory loss, confusion, and difficulty concentrating can be related to a number of conditions. These include depression, stress, alcohol abuse, Alzheimer's disease, drug side effects, or a lack of activity on the thyroid gland.


    However, these are symptoms that can get drowsy if left untreated with high blood sugar levels for a long time. Symptoms of memory loss include forgetting the names of close friends and family members, or things at home.


    You may forget something important that happened to you, or you may forget something you recently did. You may walk into a room and not remember why you went there at the beginning.






    Confused symptoms include being unsure where you were and how you got there, or being unable to make a choice or decision. You may find yourself unable to choose what to eat for dinner at the store.


    Difficulty concentrating includes symptoms, such as not being able to focus on anything or thinking something while at work. Sometimes you find yourself starting the same thing again because you can't focus on when you started.


    Your memory, clarity of thought, and focus are the functions that your brain controls. The part of your brain that controls these functions can be affected by long-asting high blood sugar levels. Your body is struggling to produce energy because it cannot absorb glucose in your bloodstream.


    This lack of energy production affects various parts of the body. You may try to get energy to keep the brain and other parts of the body functioning. Without enough energy in the brain, which controls memory and concentration, the brain cannot function optimally.




    10. abdominal pain or gastrointestinal disturbance


    Diseases that affect the stomach are common in people with high blood sugar levels or those with diabetes. The duration of elevated blood sugar levels and how high they are can affect the stomach.


    A common illness associated with high blood sugar levels is gastroparalysis. Characterized by a delay in the ability of the stomach to empty its contents, persistent high blood sugar levels can damage the Vagus nerve.


    These nerves are important because they help control the entire digestive system, and when the vagus nerve is damaged, the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract fail to function properly.






    As a result, the food cannot be spread through the digestive system, and instead, the food remains on the stomach, delaying movement. Symptoms of gastroparesis include heartburn (indigestion), vomiting of undigested food, bloating of stomach areas, and weight loss of unknown cause.


    Food lying on the stomach for an extended period of time is dangerous in that bacteria may start to grow. Food can also form hard lumps, which can cause blockage in the digestive system, which causes the food to enter the small intestine and become immovable.


    This can cause severe abdominal cramps, and blood sugar levels to soar even when the food eventually moves to the small intestine. The best way to deal with diseases such as gastroparalysis due to hyperglycemia levels is to eat a healthy diet and exercise.


    This approach may lower blood sugar levels and consider eating six small meals a day, instead of three large meals a day. This may allow the digestive system to process smaller amounts of food at a time.





    11. The slow healing of a wound


    When you have a wound and it does not heal, it is a sign that your health is abnormal.


    The self-healing process of the body provides an indication of your overall health. Within a few minutes of being injured, the body acts immediately and begins treatment, and when the body does not respond like this, the root cause needs to be identified.


    It could be the immune system is suppressed, it could be chronic blood circulation, or it could be iron deficiency anemia. Wound healing has the characteristic of being divided into four stages.


    The bleeding stage occurs when a wound occurs, and our body then sends a coagulant to the wound to prevent the bleeding. The inflammatory stage is the stage of forming the scab to protect the wound from the outside, and it protects the wound from infection.


    Next is the stage in which the body heals damaged cells, and in the last stage, called the regeneration stage, the scab is removed because the skin is healed and no longer needs protection.






    If these symptoms appear after a wound, the body can have problems with self-ealing. The area around the wound is swollen, and there is excessive fluid leaking out that can have an abnormal color and smell of rot.


    The wound always feels hot, and the pain increases in or around the wound. When wounds and wounds do not heal, it can be a sign of persistent high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can cause a disease called neuropathy.


    This is nerve damage caused by too much glucose in the blood and causes blood circulation problems. If the body fails to deliver what it needs to heal to the area of the wound, the healing process slows down.




    12. Repeated infections


    The immune system is essential for the body's defense against germs, viruses, cancer cells, and parasites. Lack of an immune system affects the body's ability to fight off infections.


    Damage to the immune system is a sign of several disorders. Primary immunodeficiency disorders that can be born include X-inked Agamaglobulinemia (XLA), common variable immunity (CVID), and more.


    Secondary immunodeficiency disorders occur when attacked by external factors such as chemicals or infections. The causes of secondary immunodeficiency disorders include chemotherapy, radiation, malnutrition, and diabetes (associated with high blood sugar levels).


    Examples of secondary immunodeficiency disorders include immune system cancers such as AIDS and leukemia, viral hepatitis, and multiple myeloma (cancer of plasma cells).






    Something is wrong if conjunctivitis, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, yeast infection, sinus infection, etc. that do not respond to treatment occur. Even if you respond to treatment and then recur as soon as you stop taking the medicine, it is a sign that your immunity is weakening.


    If you suspect that your immune system may not be restored and your immune system may decrease, seek medical attention. Your doctor will examine your entire medical history, conduct a physical examination, check your white blood cell and T cell levels, and check your immunoglobin levels.


    High blood sugar levels affect how the immune system works. There is so much glucose in the blood that inflammation in the cells prevents oxygen and the necessary defensive cells from reaching the infection.


    Since soldiers cannot reach the battlefield, the enemy has time to seize and spread its control. If it leads to fungal infections, such as gangrene, after a wound has been formed, it can result in a cut in the wound area.





    13. An itch on one's skin


    Itching is a common diabetic symptom, and diabetes is associated with high blood sugar levels. People with diabetes are more likely to experience skin irritation than those without diabetes.


    If you suspect that you have or may have high blood sugar levels, don't ignore the symptoms of skin irritation. If left untreated, the damage it causes to your skin can be severe.


    If there is too much glucose in the blood, damaging the nerve fibers on the surface of your skin can cause it to itch. This condition is called neuropathy. The itchiness could be a sign that the nerve damage is not yet progressing, but it will happen soon.


    When neuropathy begins, the body releases cytokines, and these inflammatory substances can cause the skin to itch. This indicates a risk of nerve damage and needs to be examined by a doctor. The itchy skin may be the result of eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, or athlete's foot.






    The itchiness caused by neuropathy usually appears in the lower extremities, and it can also appear all over the body. The constant itchiness can make you uncomfortable to dress and cause you to lose sleep at night.


    If high blood sugar levels have damaged your immune system, you may be at a greater risk of scratching your skin until it bleeds. Then your skin will not heal and you will become susceptible to infection.


    Apply lotion on your skin immediately after taking a bath to prevent dryness and make sure any products that may cause itching are not allergic or sensitive. If itchy skin is the result of high blood sugar levels, managing your condition with a diet or medication will relieve the itching.





    14. Pain throughout the body


    Bad circulation affects your hands and fingers more than any other body part. If there is too much glucose in your blood, the blood vessels become thicker and the blood moves slower than normal.


    High blood sugar levels, along with the damage that occurs in your blood vessels, damage your blood circulation system, which becomes inflamed and narrows, making it more difficult for blood to move due to the thickened vessels.


    When blood no longer flows from your hands and feet normally, you experience symptoms such as sore or numbness in your hands and feet, broken nails, dry or cracked skin, and hair loss. In the case of pale skin, you can notice a blue cast on your hands and feet.






    High blood sugar levels can be fatal if you experience numbness in your limbs. Small cuts or scratches on your feet may not make you aware, and high blood sugar levels can delay healing if your immune system declines.


    It is difficult to even respond to immune-ompromised areas due to lack of blood circulation. Infections can persist, and fungal infections in particular can lead to necrosis.


    So, necrosis is the early death of cells from a lack of blood, and if not treated early, it can lead to amputations to prevent the spread. Besides various health benefits, exercise can lower blood sugar levels and make it easier for blood to travel to the limbs.


    During exercise, the heart rate increases, stimulating the blood circulation system, which helps manage diabetes.





    15. Experienced impotence or infertility


    Men with high blood sugar levels often experience impotence, and it is a very sensitive topic that most men do not bring up.


    However, if you experience this problem, you should see your doctor for advice. High blood sugar levels damage blood vessels to prevent the blood from circulating smoothly. This can affect the blood supply to the penis and affect their ability to get and maintain a smooth erection.


    Men and their partners who have experienced impotence in bed will feel frustrated, which can lead to depression and other mood disorders.


    See your doctor to find out the underlying cause of your impotence, and while it may be related to high blood sugar levels, heart disease, high blood pressure, or elevated cholesterol levels are also responsible.






    If you have high blood sugar levels, you should maintain a healthy diet and exercise program to lower your blood sugar levels and prevent nerve damage. Counseling to deal with the stress and anxiety that come with impotence is also recommended.


    If necessary, it is helpful to get the medication prescribed through a doctor's consultation. In women, high blood sugar levels are affected by pregnancy and affect the levels of hormones in the body.


    It can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, preventing pregnancy. If high blood sugar levels persist for a long time, the body can develop insulin resistance and affect its ability to ovulate.


    This also affects the ability of eggs to attach to the uterus after fertilization, and women with high blood sugar levels are also vulnerable to yeast infections that can prevent sperm from reaching the eggs.


    For women planning to become pregnant, it is important to make sure their blood sugar levels are not high. If so, you should take steps to manage your blood sugar levels to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.





    16. A fruity breath


    If you notice that your mouth smells like fruit, it is likely to be in the pre-iabetes phase, indicating that your blood sugar is dangerously high. There are two causes related to hidden blood sugar that smells like fruit.


    The first is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This is a life-hreatening condition and requires urgent medical intervention. This is caused by the body's high levels of ketone production. These blood acids typically occur in the body.


    However, high blood sugar levels can cause an overproduction of ketones, which can be fatal if left untreated. With immediate treatment, ketoacidosis has no lasting effect on the body.


    However, if left untreated, it could cause permanent damage to your body. This is a rare occurrence, but if you have high blood sugar and are not treated for it, DKA may follow. Symptoms of DKA include abdominal pain, nausea, fever, vomiting, and fatigue.


    If DKA progresses to the terminal stage, the person will fall into a coma, and about 31 percent of cases, including fruit-scented symptoms, are identified as DKA.






    The second is hyperglycemic hyperosmotic syndrome. It is a serious condition that can appear in people with type 2 diabetes. It is characterized by fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, and the smell of fruit in your breath.


    It is not a common condition, but it is dangerous due to its rapid onset. If a person shows symptoms of hyperglycemic hyperosmotic syndrome, emergency medical care is needed to avoid persistent complications or even death.


    About 34% of cases involving fruit-melling symptoms were found to be hyperglycemic hyperosmotic syndrome. About 34% of cases reported fruit-smelling breath as one of the symptoms.





    17. A high fever


    A high fever is an indication that something is wrong with your body. One of the things it indicates is high blood sugar. If you have high blood sugar, a high fever can make your body worse.


    A high fever could also be a sign of high blood sugar, as it shows weakness in the immune system. The immune system is designed to help the body fight infections and diseases. A healthy immune system prevents you from getting sick.


    If you have high blood sugar, the body's immune system is damaged. Hyperglycemia and diabetes are autoimmune diseases that attack your body by themselves. No bacteria raise blood sugar, but it prevents it from being metabolized due to body dysfunction.


    The immune system is distracted by situations where blood contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to opportunistic infections. Bacteria like viruses sneak in and cause infections, resulting in a high fever.






    Fever and dehydration create a vicious cycle. Fever leads to dehydration, which can make the fever worse. High blood sugar levels cause you to feel very thirsty and less water will be removed from your body by urine.


    The possibility of dehydration is very real, and the urinary tract is where people with high blood sugar and diabetes often get infected. Other common areas where opportunistic infections can occur are the vagina, gums, feet, and skin.


    A high fever of 38 degrees is a sign of a serious problem and if you have a family history of high blood sugar levels, we recommend you get tested.





    18. A stroke


    There is a causal link between high blood sugar levels and strokes. People with high blood sugar conditions, such as diabetes and the pre-iabetes stage, are two to four times more likely to suffer a stroke.


    High blood sugar levels indicate that the body is unable to metabolize or break down these sugars. A hormone called insulin allows glucose to enter the cells. Insulin comes from the pancreas and when there is a problem in insulin production, it causes problems in blood sugar levels.


    Glucose enters the cells and cannot give energy, and glucose remains in the blood. This accumulation of glucose in the blood over time can damage blood vessels.


    These are the veins and arteries that pass through during blood circulation. Fat deposits and blood clots can form in the blood vessels because of elevated blood sugar levels.






    When fat deposits become large enough, they can block veins or arteries, which deprives the brain of oxygen that causes a stroke. Alternatively, blood clots can break off the walls of veins or arteries and pass through the brain.


    The result of a stroke can be paralysis or a loss of certain brain and body functions. This can be temporary, but in most cases it becomes permanent. It can have a profound effect on the quality of life of a person suffering from a stroke.


    If your doctor confirms that you are at risk for a stroke, it is recommended that you check your blood sugar level. Risk factors for a stroke include high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and obesity in addition to high blood sugar levels.


    Other risk factors for a stroke include smoking, drinking, and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.





    19. Heart disease


    High blood sugar levels can cause heart disease. If you start experiencing symptoms of heart disease, you are more likely to have high blood sugar levels. Other symptoms tell you that there is something wrong with your heart. One of them is chest pain and discomfort.


    This means that the heart has problems with its blood supply, and other symptoms of heart disease include nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn, and indigestion. Dizziness and nausea also show that your heart is struggling to function properly.


    A person with heart disease is permanently tired and struggles to gather enough energy to do simple things in life. They feel suffocated because their heart cannot supply enough oxygenated blood to their lungs.






    High blood sugar levels, along with other dangerous behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and unhealthy eating habits, clog up the veins and arteries that lead to the heart.


    When one of them completely becomes clogged or contracted, the heart reacts with convulsions. This is called a heart attack. Even if you don't have a heart attack, heart disease damages the heart and makes it malfunction.


    The heart works harder than usual to maintain life and try to function its body, which wears it out faster. If you have a heart attack, the stress response to the heart attack will send your blood sugar levels soaring.


    Changing your eating and exercising habits, in particular, can relieve a lot of pressure on your heart. A healthy diet can greatly help lower blood sugar levels in your body.





    20. High blood pressure


    Increased blood sugar levels can lead to elevated blood pressure levels (high blood pressure). High blood pressure is caused by irregular contractions of blood vessels, which damage blood vessels over time.


    When blood sugar is too high, the way blood vessels behave changes and it causes them to contract more than they should. These narrowed blood vessels raise blood pressure.


    The increased pressure on the walls of blood vessels can cause permanent damage. It affects the elasticity of the blood vessels. They may become so damaged that they may no longer function properly.


    If the blood vessels are damaged, they may even begin to leak and affect the entire circulatory system.






    When blood vessels are damaged, it is difficult to recover unless the cause of the damage is eliminated. High blood pressure is treated with medication, but hypertension patients must change their way of life.


    People who smoke and drink are advised to stop and encourage exercise to regain health. Another major cause of high blood pressure is stress. Stress management skills are recommended so that patients can learn how to manage them without affecting them physically.


    One of the things doctors will look at is the blood sugar level of a person with high blood pressure. Eliminating high blood sugar levels can help lower blood pressure.


    High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or stroke, with fatal consequences if left untreated, and suppressing blood sugar can greatly help keep blood pressure within the normal range.